STM32F303 vs. STM32F407: Which Microcontroller is Best for Audio Processing

February 15, 2022

Ah, audio processing, the ever-evolving, always-lively field of sound engineering. In the world of audio processing, the right microcontroller can make all the difference. Two of the most popular microcontrollers for this field are the STM32F303 and the STM32F407.

Let's compare the two and determine which one is better for audio processing.


The STM32F303 microcontroller is an STM32 F3 series microcontroller, which boasts high-performance processing units and a flexible set of peripherals. It includes a Cortex-M4 core with DSP instructions and an innovative features set. It also has a high number of input/output pins, which makes it an ideal choice for audio processing, which requires a lot of interfaces.


The STM32F407 microcontroller is also part of the STM32 family, specifically the F4 series. It boasts a high-performance processor, up to 384 KB of RAM, and 1 MB of flash memory. It also has an advanced set of peripherals, including USB, Ethernet, and CAN.


Both the STM32F303 and the STM32F407 have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to audio processing. The STM32F303 has a flexible set of peripherals, which can make it easier to connect audio devices. It also has low power consumption, which can be a plus for battery-powered audio processing devices. However, the STM32F303 has a lower maximum clock speed than the STM32F407 and less flash memory, which can be limiting when processing audio data.

On the other hand, the STM32F407 has a faster maximum clock speed and more flash memory, which can be helpful for audio processing. It also has advanced peripherals, such as USB and Ethernet, which can be useful if you need to connect to external devices.

That being said, both microcontrollers are great choices for audio processing, and the choice ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your project.


In conclusion, both the STM32F303 and the STM32F407 are powerful microcontrollers that are well-suited for audio processing applications. The STM32F303 is a flexible choice with low power consumption, while the STM32F407 has faster processing speeds and advanced peripherals.

In the end, it's essential to consider the specific requirements of your project. Both microcontrollers have their strengths and weaknesses, and the decision ultimately depends on which better suits your project's requirements.

Hope this comparison helped you make an informed choice. Until next time.


  1. "STM32F303xB/C/D/E Reference Manual," STMicroelectronics, [Online]. Available:
  2. "STM32F407xx Data Sheet," STMicroelectronics, [Online]. Available:

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